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Plastic Surgeon Tips On Getting An Ideal Cushion Cut

What Top Plastic Surgeons Are Saying About Cushion Cut  

Round diamonds are unrivaled in their popularity today. But cushion cut diamonds have begun to close the gap, probably because so many celebrities have chosen to wear and flaunt their cushion stones over the last few years. Cushion diamonds are either rectangular or square. Their name can be imputed to the fact that they have rounded corners. This allows them to look like pillows, a design that many find romantic and which explains why they appear so frequently in diamond rings.

The cushion cut diamond has a history that can be traced two centuries into the past. When it first appeared in the 19th Century, the stone was called a ‘Mine Cut’. The name came from the Brazilian Mines from where diamonds where extracted at the time.

And because the stone was named after the Brazilian Mines, it eventually earned the ‘Old Mine Cut’ name when diamonds started coming out of South Africa.

The cushion diamonds on the market today do not necessarily resemble their counterparts from the 19th Century. The Old Mine Cut Diamonds had 58 facets. The Cushion diamonds people buy for their rings these days have 64 facets.

This is why modern cushion stones seem to shine so much brighter.

Why Cushion Cut Are So Popular Among Top Plastic Surgeons

Today, round diamonds are the undisputed kings of the diamond arena. But 200 years ago, when Cushion diamonds first entered the market, they were easily the most popular stones available.

Electricity wasn’t available during those early years. So cushion stones drew a lot of interest because they had the capacity to sparkle under the light of a candle. The stone eventually fell out of favor.

But it has made a comeback in the 21st century. Professionals in the field count it as one of the five most popular stones in the world. Certainly, the pillow-shaped design has encouraged the resurgence.

But one can’t ignore the fact that cushion cut diamonds have a fire within them. The stones have a vintage charm to them that even round diamonds, which are more radiant, cannot replicate.

What You Need To Know From A Trusted Cosmetic Surgeon Before Getting A Cushion Cut

Are you looking to buy a cushion cut diamond? A trustworthy seller can find you the best diamond in this field even if you know nothing about cushion stones. However, if your objective is to play a more active role in the selection, keep the following in mind:

1). Diamond Shape

As was mentioned above, Cushion stones can be square or rectangular. The shape is determined by the length-to-width ratio. If you understand diamonds, then you might actually care enough to delve into the length-to-width ratio of your diamond.

However, if you just want a diamond ring that looks amazing, then your choice of shape will depend largely on your personal preferences.

2). Diamond Size

If you are struggling to choose between a cushion stone and a round stone, you should know that cushion cut diamonds are bigger than round diamonds. Well, to be more accurate, they look bigger.

The cushion stone’s larger facets are to blame here. So if the size of your diamond matters to you, understand that a cushion stone looks larger than a round stone.

3). Standard VS Modified

Some people have been known to exaggerate the importance of these two categories. Modified cuts are modern whereas the standard cut (which is basically the original faceting pattern for the cushion cut) is much older.

Don’t let anyone make a fuss about these two categories. Yes, there are differences but they are too small to affect the appearance of your cushion diamond. You have no reason to linger on this issue.

4). Money

Yes, cushion cut diamonds are much cheaper than their more popular rival, the round brilliant diamond. But that shouldn’t come as a surprise. Everyone loves round diamonds.

Some cushion stones are up to fifty percent cheaper than round stones. But don’t let that revelation lull you into a sense of relaxation. The popularity of cushion stone has spiked in recent years. And in response, their prices have also begun to rise. The cushion diamond won’t be so affordable for much longer.

5). Diamond Color

If you love fancy color diamonds, you will love cushion cuts because their ability to retain color allows them to maximize the beauty of the stone. That being said, selecting the color grade can present a challenge if you do not understand diamonds.

Many professionals would encourage diamond amateurs to throw their weight behind the H Diamond Color because it provides the perfect balance between price and appearance.

In case you did not know, the color of your diamond will affect its value. The price tags attached to some color grades are simply ridiculous. H is attractive because it occupies a comfortable position somewhere in the middle.

That being said, when selecting the color grade, you must also take the setting into consideration. For instance, the J Color Grade is perfect for a yellow metal setting.

6). Diamond Clarity

There are people who will tell you to skip the clarity question by simply choosing S12 because they think that there is no better option. Others prefer to dig into the minutiae of this issue, determining whether the stone is a chunky cushion or crushed ice, and then looking at how each faceting pattern affects clarity.

You also have those who think that you should only concern yourself with determining whether or not the stone in question is eye-clean.

7). Certification

So many factors can affect your choice of a diamond ring, not just the color and clarity but also the depth, the table, and the polish, to mention but a few. However, you could eliminate all that noise by simply looking for a Gemological Institute of America certificate.

Everyone trusts the GIA and they place a lot of weight in the certificates the lab provides. These certificates evaluate every attribute that matters to the quality of a cushion diamond.

It is easier to trust a GIA diamond. The GIA certificate provided is also an adequate guide for anyone who cannot determine which cushion diamond to buy.

Finally there are many types of engagement ring settings you can choose from. If you need help to find the right styles, watch the video here to learn how to choose the right diamond engagement ring settings.